“Am I an Introvert?” Quiz


Strategic thinking is one of the introvert strengths. And there are many more.

30 Introvert Strengths (List)

Introverts Academy empowers introverts and organizations to thrive by harnessing the inherent complementary strengths of introversion and extroversion, to make a better world for all of us.


Who are we? 

A Toronto-based company that offers online and in-person services (individual and team coaching, training, facilitation), courses, and products that facilitate positive change at the individual, interpersonal, organizational, and systemic level.

What makes us different? 

Our holistic approach is rooted in 40+ years of cumulative multidisciplinary experience.
We view individuals and organizations as intricate systems and subsystems that operate more effectively when harnessing the complementary strengths of both extroverts and introverts.

➤ 1-on-1 Coaching
It stunned me to discover that my self-esteem was in time shattered by the negativities that surrounded me.
The coaching increased my self-esteem, brought me inner peace and answers to many problems. I rediscovered myself.
~ Monica Brostean, Engineer

➤ Business Coaching
The questions and suggestions helped me discover small and big things about my business, real diamonds I never thought could exist. They were all mine, next to me, covered in a layer of dust. Then, in a kind way, we talked about plans for growing my business.
~ Dan Micu, Registered Acupuncturist

➤ Training
Strong facilitator and educator, highly capable of demystifying systems-thinking in relation to group and organizational dynamics. The techniques shared were practical, grounded in lived experience, and encouraged adaptation to context.
~ Omar Ramroop, Director of Learning

More testimonials on the pages For introverts and For organizations

Interested in the MBTI® test to better understand your personality type— including introversion/extroversion?
Or in a team-building session based on your MBTI team type?

Our in-house MBTI® certified practitioner will help you interpret the MBTI® test results, identify your strengths, and areas of improvement (Communication, Managing conflict, Dealing with Change, Making Decisions).

introverts job search book

Award-winning book with practical advice to build a meaningful career step by step.

book quiet lessons for the introvert soul

True stories of overcoming challenges by using introvert innate strengths.

book interpersonal relationships

Powerful combination of beautiful photos and questions to find your own answers

Thought-provoking questions to improve interpersonal communication.

Updates from Introverts Academy

(new courses, free resources, webinars, interviews)


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